Shows tagged: BlogTalkRadio

Parker Ainsworth on Swoop’s World Primetime

Our guest Wednesday February 23, 2011 at 8pm/PST is Singer songwriter Parker Ainsworth.

Singer songwriter Parker Ainsworth brings the art of storytelling through music forth from a space that audiences can feel from the first chord.

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Interview with Star Parker Congressional Candidate

star-parker-pg-link 37th congressional district candidate

On Wednesday September 29, 2010, we are happy to have Star Parker, Candidate for the 37th Congressional District, as our guest on Swoop’s World Radio.

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Swoops World on BlogTalkRadio Welcomes Carina Cristiano Leoni as First Guest

Don’t miss our first show Wednesday Dec. 9th and every Wednesday @ 9PM. Our guest this week will be Carina Cristiano Leoni-LLB Atlantic Corridor Project Director.

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